Thursday, October 22, 2009

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I look very young for my age. When I'm not dressed up or wearing make up (which is often) I probably appear to be maybe a high school senior. You can imagine that working as a professional social worker with younger clients I'd get teased a lot. People are always joking that they mistake me for my clients. While I'm beyond sick of hearing it, 99% of the time I fake a laugh and make some sort of friendly comment back.

Well last night I was in charge of a highly anticipated event that was being hosted at the elementary school where I work. I dressed in a suit and actually did my make up for a change. As a professional social worker hosting a rather large event, and meeting many parents and students for the first time, you can imagine my displeasure when the Master of Ceremony introduced me by saying, "When I met this young lady I asked her if she is a student here at XXXXX Elementary School. I found out later that she's a social worker here and a Master's candidate at XXXX University. Please welcome your school social worker, who looks about 14 years old, Pepper Perez."

He actually gave me a very nice compliment after I spoke saying he was impressed by my public speaking abilities, but I couldn't help but be rubbed the wrong way.

At any rate, the event that I had been dreading turned out to be a very big success and I'm happy that weight is lifted. Now I can pull back a little. I'm celebrating with a nice, relaxing four day weekend. A trip to the beach is definitely in order. Sometimes it's good to live in Miami.